Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

The Long Lost Disney Post - THAT MOMENT (Part 3)

Ready for more Disney memories? Alright everybody, here. we. gooooooo...

THAT MOMENT you get to ride a giant carousel horse

THAT MOMENT we thanked Walt for everything
THAT MOMENT when you get an autograph from Mickey

THAT MOMENT we went to Narnia
THAT MOMENT when you meet your biggest hero
THAT MOMENT we found Pascal
THAT MOMENT when we became space rangers
THAT MOMENT we stumbled across Perla 
... and oh - Suzy too ;)
THAT MOMENT when Goofy gives you a hug
THAT MOMENT when we posed in front of Casey Jr.
THAT MOMENT you need to figure out where to go next during a little train ride
THAT MOMENT you see suitcases on the street
THAT MOMENT a live country band plays for you
THAT MOMENT when Leony had a serious talk about glass slippers
THAT MOMENT when Cinderella tells you you´re a true princess
THAT MOMENT when you see Disney Dreams
THAT MOMENT you realize it was the best holiday ever
 That´s the end of my THAT MOMENT series <3 I hope you liked it - until next time <3

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